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Early Flash And Cyborg Designs From Batman v Superman And Justice League

Jerad Marantz is known for his work on Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and lending his expertise to Marvel films such as Doctor Strange and Guardians of the Galaxy. He was also costume concept artist on both Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League.

Recently Jerad Marantz shared early designs for Flash and Cyborg on Instagram. It’s interesting to see his thoughts behind the designs as it gives some insight into his creative process and the many designs even a top concept artist will go through.

His “first pass” at Flash’s costume is fairly comic book accurate, but what is more interesting, is Marantz’s decision to omit the lightening bolt to demonstrate that it was Barry Allen’s prototype suit.

Just as interesting is Jerad Marantz’s early concepts for Cyborg. One is purposely reminiscent of Victor Stone’s time as a quarterback for Gotham University’s football team, Titans.


The second design is more experimental, keeping the back model of the first design but with the addition of a second pair of robotic arms. And there also is no sign of his face. It’s more reminiscent of Marvel’s War Machine than anything else.

Jerad Marantz also included an early design for Steppenwolf, which we have devoted an article to here.

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